Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I boast myself of being an INTP, but it suddenly occurred to me that most people visiting this blog  may not know what an INTP is.
So, just let me give you a brief overview of my personality type, better known as INTP.

INTP is one of the 16 MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) personality types categorized by four parameters or functions as popularly known.

  1. How they focus their attention or get their energy (extraversion(E) or introversion(I))
  2. How they perceive or take in information (sensing(S) or intuition(N))
  3.  How they prefer to make decisions (thinking(T) or feeling(F))
  4. How they orient themselves to the external world (judgment(J) or perception(P))  
So, just combining I, N, T and P functions from the above set, you get me..TADA!! Intoverts usually are quiet and self-contained. Intuitive persons depend on their sixth sense more than their five senses. Thinkers prioritize brain more than heart and Perceivers go unplanned, reacting spontaneously to situations. And as you may have guessed, others are opposite.

 INTPs generally theoretical and abstract, more interested in ideas than in social interaction. Others see us as quiet, contained, flexible and adaptable. We like to develop logical explanations for everything that interests us and have an unusual ability to focus in depth to solve problems in my area of interest. Often skeptical, sometimes critical and always analytical, INTPs are generally what many term as weird, absurd or geeky.

Love us or hate us, we are what we are. And there goes a famous quote:

"When I'm good, I am Good. When I'm bad, I am Better." 

If you still don't get what an INTP is, don't worry. There will sure be more to come of it.
Cheers :)